Dr.Web Anti-virus Pro

Dr.Web Anti-virus Pro + serial

Dr.Web for Windows provides reliable and highly efficient protection of your system and data regardless what type of the Microsoft operating system is installed on your computer. The Dr.Web ® for

Windows components allow in real time mode to detect malicious programs from external sources. Dr.Web protects file servers, messaging, separate workstations, corporate networks and Internet gateways through monde.et this part of the virus that can cope with: * Mass-mailing worms * E- mail * file viruses virus * Trojans * Stealth viruses * Polymorphic viruses * Macro viruses * bodiless viruses * MS Office viruses * Script viruses * Spyware * Password stealers * Keyloggers * Paid Dialers * Adware * Riskware * Hacktools Backdoors * Joke programs ** Malicious scripts * Spam *-con , Pharming,-phishing messages * Other * Bounce messages malware

 Dr.Web Anti-virus Pro

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