Emsisoft Anti-Malware + Proxy Bypasser (13,492 days).
Use this method, to obtain a license which expires (13,492 days).
Tested on Windows 7 64 bit ultimate.
Tested on Windows 7 64 bit ultimate.
Instructions for activation:
1. download and install Emsisoft Anti-Malware from the official site
2. Download Emsisoft Products Bypass Proxy License V1.2, and then extract.
3. Run InstallProxy.bat. (Always leave open)
4. Enable limited edition freeware.
3. Run InstallProxy.bat. (Always leave open)
4. Enable limited edition freeware.
5. Then, copy the license key (license key Freeware edition you just enabled
The key to the free version).
6. Click "change license" and choose the option "I have a license key" using
Freeware edition key (the key to the free version).
7. Connection settings of the image as below. then click OK.
8. Enter the key "Freeware Edition", and then click Next.
9. Activated
Download Emsisoft Products License Bypass Proxy V1.2
Uncheck this box before downloading
Emsisoft Anti-Malware + Working Proxy Bypasser
made by Flaubert
made by Flaubert